sábado, 14 de novembro de 2015

Together we stand...divided we fall

The Risk of a Nuclear ISIS Grows

"Over the past five years the FBI, working in conjunction with local authorities in Moldova, have interrupted four attempts made by nuclear smugglers to sell radioactive materials to Middle Eastern extremists, including ISIS. According to theAP, "the latest known case came in February this year, when a smuggler offered a huge cache of deadly cesium -- enough to contaminate several city blocks -- and specifically sought a buyer from the Islamic State group.
The risks of ISIS getting a nuclear bomb are small. But they are not zero... it is impossible now for ISIS to build a nuclear bomb from scratch. Doing so would require large, industrial facilities to enrich uranium, billions of dollars and gigawatts of energy.
But if they could get the highly-enriched uranium -- about 100 pounds would do, about the size of a soccer ball -- it is possible that they could assemble the equipment and small technical team to build the bomb.
Some of the government stings reported by the AP involved uranium, which the suppliers said could be used for a dirty bomb. While uranium and plutonium are needed for the core of a nuclear weapon, they are not ideal for a dirty bomb. You want something much more radioactive, like cesium or americium. A few grams of these powders could contaminate tens of square blocks, making them uninhabitable for months, until they were scrubbed clean. Unfortunately, cesium was exactly what smugglers were attempting to sell to ISIS agents in February.
What is a dirty bomb though? Unlike a nuclear weapon, this is not a nuclear explosion but a conventional explosive, like dynamite, laced with small quantities of highly radioactive material."
Retirado de http://www.huffingtonpost.com/joe-cirincione/the-risk-of-a-nuclear-isi_b_8259978.html

terça-feira, 17 de fevereiro de 2015

3ª Guerra Mundial já começou?

Papa Francisco alertou para essa possibilidade em agosto de 2014 quando regressava de visita ecuménica à Coreia do Sul:

"Vivemos a Terceira Guerra Mundial, mas em fragmentos", disse o Pontífice.
"A tortura se tornou quase um meio ordinário. Esses são os frutos da guerra. Estamos em guerra, há a Terceira Guerra Mundial, mas em fragmentos'", disse o papa, referindo-se aos conflitos simultâneos que atingem o mundo, como as crises na Síria, no Iraque, na península coreana, no continente africano na Faixa de Gaza.
retirado de: http://exame.abril.com.br/mundo/noticias/vivemos-a-3a-guerra-mundial-diz-papa-francisco
Gunter Grass, prémio Nobel da Literatura refere o mesmo em entrevista a jornal alemão de hoje:
O prémio Nobel da Literatura, o romancista alemão Günter Grass, disse hoje que às vezes se questiona se a III Guerra Mundial não terá começado há muito, mas de forma distinta dos conflitos do século XX.
Numa entrevista publicada hoje no diário alemão Neuen Westfalische, Grass disse que "ultimamente fala-se muito do perigo de acontecer uma III Guerra Mundial".
Na opinião de Günter Grass, as formas de combate mudaram desde 1945, sendo a internet atualmente um dos meios usados, pois "permite o bloqueio de sistemas completos", que levam a guerras económicas.
"Tudo isto ocorre paralelamente aos conflitos bélicos como os que observamos na Ucrânia, Síria e outros países",

retirado de http://www.dn.pt/inicio/globo/interior.aspx?content_id=4403703